Established in 1980, Rajan's School of Photography is considered as one of the best and reputed school helping photography enthusiasts master new techniques and improve their "image making" skills by providing clear, direct information on a wide range of technical and creative topics. RSP always races with upcoming changes in technology and incorporates these changes in our programs, which are designed for everyone who aspires a career in photography. RSP's philosophy of "learning by doing" can provide you with the artistic, technical and business expertise needed to succeed.
If you love photography, may be its time to turn something you are passionate about into new career opportunities.
Starting new certification program in photography for Weekdays & Weekends. Enroll today, Ltd Seats.
Learn more about program of study or just Apply Online
respects to our beloved gurus
Are you a Model,Makeup Artist, Fashion Designer or a Stylist? Oppurtunities for all at RSP.
Call us at +91 9666785552
RSP has successfully conducted a workshop for members of APPS. More...